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D Town Christian News
2017 Newsletter's

  Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (30)

January 5, 2017

Hello Friends and Sponsors & Happy New Year! That’s right it’s 2017, and with the New Year; we are excited about a new approach for several things in the community. The first change you might notice is the change in the publication date of D Town Christian News. For several years we have been releasing the new month’s newsletter on the second of each month; we have now changed that to the fifth of each month. Through our focus groups and research, we found that by the fifth of each month our readers have completed most of their required early month tasks, and have more time to devote to our monthly newsletter and scripture readings. Also, new for the year 2017 is our focus on the pledge for responsible attitudes toward sexuality-(with an emphasis on abstinence) campaign for the community’s youth. We call this campaign: Don’t Peak in High School. This helps teens in high school and junior high school to understand; they have their whole adult lives of their own, to become sexually active. In the Don’t Peak in High School Program, we teach the importance of using condoms to avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. We also teach self-esteem building concepts of being able to stop having sex, regardless of peer pressure, if sexual activity did begin at some point. 

Of course we will continue with our other focus points at the Shoes Saves Foundation, concerning our never ending shoe collection drive, work and resume skills training, work search placements. This means your shoe and monetary donations are as critical as ever to our efforts to help as many in the community as we can. Please continue to send in your much needed donations, as without you so many would go un-helped. Also if you like, you can make an online payment by clicking our donations tab, and we would be happy ably your donation, if you prefer an online method. Our scripture reading for the month of January comes from the book of Joshua, chapter 1, verse 9; which says: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” As we encourage our youth this year, and for many years to come to be strong, and give in to themselves & their own convictions; and not the pressures of other peers, adult style media images, and anything that makes them deal with adult situations before they are of a proper age or maturity level; please keep The Shoes Saves Foundation in your prayers. Together we can make a change; and help our local, state, national, and international communities great. Finally, January is our anniversary month, so happy anniversary to The Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries. We started our vision at the end of 2009/beginning of 2010, and here we are a little over seven years later; making a difference in the community. Praise The Lord, God is good. 

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

P. S. Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


  Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (31)

February 5, 2017

Hello friends and sponsors; happy February. Yes it’s February again, the month of LOVE. With that being said, Happy Valentine’s Day to all our membership, friends, sponsors, and readers. We look forward to the month of February every year, as that is our first indicator that spring is on the way. We are excited to be a part of the ever changing community culture of greatness. Our goal of reaching the youth through the Don’t Peak in High School Campaign has had much interest, and our constituency has responded to it with complete positivity. The Don’t Peak in High School Campaign focuses on the pledge for responsible attitudes toward sexuality - (with an emphasis on abstinence) for the community’s youth. This helps teens in high school and junior high school to understand; they have their whole adult lives of their own, to become sexually active. In the Don’t Peak in High School Program, we teach the importance of using condoms to avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. We also teach self-esteem building concepts of being able to stop having sex, regardless of peer pressure, if sexual activity did begin at some point. We are also happy to announce our community theme for the year 2017 which is: So Let Your Light Shine. So Let Your Light Shine reminds people to remember you are bright and beautiful. We encourage all people to be the best they can be, now and always. 

Please remember to send your donations, as we depend on your contributions for our continued help in the community. We love your thoughtfulness, and know together we can make a difference. As we are all worthwhile as human beings; we should all make an effort to remember the poor and needy. The Lord said that “what he deems is clean is clean,” and there by worthwhile. Our scripture reading for the month of February comes from the book of Acts, Chapter 11, verses 9 and 10, which says” The voice spoke from heaven a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’ This happened three times, and then it was all pulled up to heaven again.” Remember We Are Clean. Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

P. S. Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

​Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


  Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (32)

March 5, 2017

Hello loyal sponsors, friends, and Shoes Saves Foundations Ministries Members. Happy March!!! With the spirit of spring approaching, we remember St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and an all around excuse to wear green, eat corn beef and cabbage (see Joi’s recipes for a great corn beef and cabbage or just corn beef dish; “I’m Gonna Have To Cut You Corn Beef”), and say happy St. Patty’s all day long. St. Patrick the first bishop of Armagh, or referring to medieval Ireland; as he is regarded as the founder of Christianity in Ireland. Although, St. Patrick helped to popularize Christianity in Ireland, he is also known for his missionary work. What a lovely Seg-way into what is most near and dear to our own hearts at the Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, ministry work and missionary services. All fulltime and volunteer staff at the Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, are pleased to follow in the long and beautiful history of people like St. Patrick, and countless others who paved the way as an example for us all to increase The Lord’s Kingdom. Remember to say a prayer this St. Patrick’s Day. Thank The Lord for the wonderful servants he has sent, both in the past, present, and for those to come in future. Although, we all have the ability to have our own relationship with The Lord, it is the lay people and the church leadership that helps to keep us on a more defined path in our own walk with The Lord. So hats off to
St. Patrick, and all the tireless people who dedicate themselves to The Lord’s agenda every day. 

Don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, for together we can, and we will make the difference in the lives of so many. Praise The Lord; for he is worthy to be praised. Please see the donations page for further instructions. Also, if you would like to join the Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, please click on the contact page for a quick and easy way to join. No phone call, no hassle, and no personal information is required to join our ministry. If you don’t already have a church home, or are new in the area, consider entrusting us with helping to further develop your relationship with the Lord Elohim – Jehovah God – The Lord Of Host, and his son The Christ. Our Scripture reading for the month of March comes from the book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 26-28, which says,” Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."  
Remember The Lord blesses us, so that we can be a blessing to others.  

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

P. S. Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

​Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (33)

​April 5, 2017

Hello loyal sponsors, friends, and members; well it’s spring again, and hallelujah to that. We are so excited about the change in the weather and, the new people, places, and things we are involved with this year. We hope our own love for the community and missionary work will be infectious this year on others. As you start planning your spring and summer time events, for work or concerning vacations, remember the our theme for 2017, “SO LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE”. We know that God has put all of us here to spread wisdom, and increase his kingdom, so remember to be an inspiration to others throughout your daily interactions. Make sure to speak an encouraging word to another person whenever possible. Over the years; we have found that, sometimes people don’t always show when they are going through a rough time or a rough patch, so any words of an uplifting nature may make all the difference in someone else’s day . The bible is clear about spiritual gifts, and the gift of faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, discernment of spirits, speaking in different tongues, and the interpretation of different tongues; are all placed among mankind to uplift his or her fellow man. “SO LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE”; is all about making sure that we encourage people to be the best they can be, whatever your talent or gift may be. If you are a baker, then bake. If you are a seamstress, then sew. If you are an athlete, then win. If you are a singer, then sing. If you are a surgeon, then operate. Whatever you are, we at the Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, want to encourage you to soar. Remember with God, all things are possible for those who believe on him. Psalms 37:4 says ”Take delight in The Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  

Don’t forget to send in your monthly pledges. Without your continued support so many would go without. As the seasons begin to change, our hope is to provide as many shoes as possible to those in need, and the need is great; so remember us in your monthly giving’s. Praise The Lord, as he is worthy to be praised. Our scripture reading for the month of April comes from the book of Psalms, chapter 9, verse 8, which says; “But God will never forget the needy, the hope of the afflicted will never perish.” Remember the ways of the Lord, and help someone in need, today. 

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

P. S. Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


  Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (34)

​May 5, 2017

Hello friends and sponsors, its a beautiful day in Detroit Michigan; today. We are so happy the sun is shining and the rain has ceased for the moment. What a month so far! I realize it's very early in the month of May, however; we are ramping up for the whole spring and summer season. So many things are starting to take formation for us in the community already. Just today, in fact, I noticed the community garden, has already had the dirt turned over, and is looking good so far. A huge thanks goes out to the good people in our community who constantly work on and contribute to the upkeep of our community garden. So many people are for the resurrection of our, and serval other communities across the US and globally. We love all the effort and the tireless people who are interested in change. We know in time, we will reach our goals, of completeness in community aesthetics, reconstruction, employment, safety, and education excellence. We would also like to send a big thanks out to our very own City Council Staff for district 3. We have seen the new reading areas that have been added to the community and we are pleased. So well done district 3, City Council staff consisting of Scott Benson, and several other hard working dedicated Detroit City Employees. Keep up the good work. 

Don't forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on the thoughtfulness and care of your giving's. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please select the donations tab in the upper center portion of this page. Also, don’t forget to keep the Shoes Saves Foundation Staff in prayer as you go about your normal day, or whenever you seek The Lord in prayer. Remember our youth of the community as well, as we approach the summer months and summer vacation begins. Our scripture reading for the month of May comes from the book of I Timothy, chapter 4, verse, 12, which says: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” Remember our youth, as someone once remembered you, when you were young. 

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


  Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (35)

​June 5, 2017

Hello friends and sponsors, summer is almost here again, as the first official day of summer is June 21, 2017. With that said, there is so much to talk about; I am so excited, I hardly know where to begin. Lets’ start our conversation, with some information about Detroit’s new QLine. Of course the QLine is the new street car transit service, which runs from downtown Detroit to Detroit’s New Center Area. I recently rode on the new street car, I found it to be fast, convenient, and clean. The QLine is also very affordable, with fares starting at .75 cents for seniors, $1.50 for 3 hours, $3.00 for the day, $30.00 for the month, and $285.00 for an annual pass. The QLine runs down Woodward Avenue, and has hours of operation that fit all life styles from downtown to midtown (also known as The New Center Area). The QLine Schedule is as following: Monday through Thursday: 6 a.m. to 11 p.m, Friday: 6 a.m. to Midnight, Saturday: 8 a.m. to midnight, and Sunday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The QLine was a very pleasant experience for me, and I recommend it to anyone in the downtown area, who is traveling from Downtown Detroit to Detroit’s New Center Area or vise versa. The next point of discussion is our own Osborn Community, which is a part of district 3. I recently had a wonderful discussion with an Osborn Community resident, who has been boarding up, unoccupied houses on his block. He informed me, he contacted The City of Detroit, and they provided him the boards for free. I noticed the boards were up a few days ago, and boy oh boy; his block is looking good. If you are interested in helping to board a house in district three, please contact the office of Scott Benson (The District 3 City Council Representative: 313-224-3443) and they will further direct you. Also, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention The Book of Shine is out, and it is for purchase. The Book of Shine is available on this website under the Store Tab. The purchase price for The Book of Shine is $31.95. In addition, any donation made to the Shoes Saves Foundation in the amount of $300.00 or more, you will receive a free copy of The Book of Shine. The Reverend Joi Karla Hubert is the author of The Book of Shine, and is dedicated to remembering those in the community, as The Lord has consecrated her with gift in song, ministry, and writing.

Finally, don’t forget to send in your much needed monthly donations. So many depend on your generosity. If you would like to make a donation, please feel to do so by selecting the donations tab at the top of the page. Remember to be faithful, as The Lord will consecrate you, by which he will prepare you, and never forget you. As The Lord, never forgets us, we must remember others with our giving's as well. Our scripture reading for the month of June comes from the book of 2 Chronicles, chapter 31, and verse 18, which says: “They included all the little ones, the wives, and the sons and daughters of the whole community listed in these genealogical records. For they were faithful in consecrating themselves.” 

​Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (36)

​July 5, 2017

Hello Friends and Sponsors. Happy Independence Day, or as we like to say in United States of America; Happy 4’Th of July. Well my friends, its summer all over again, and what a way to kick it off. There are July 4’Th celebrations everywhere this week. With that being said, we want to encourage all are readers to have a safe and wonderful holiday. We also, want to encourage everyone across the US to be safe with all fireworks this year. As we know, some fireworks can be very dangerous, so, just read all labels and be sure to ask questions of the vendors or merchants before you buy fireworks this year. Remember, the idea is to rejoice with the bright lights and firework displays, so keep it safe. Also, if lighting your own fireworks is not your thing, be sure to find a local fireworks display show in your area, to make sure you and your own family can join in the celebrations as well. If you are unclear about what local cities are having firework displays this year, just google the words “Local Firework Displays”, and you should be directed to the correct firework shows. Next, let’s talk about our praise report. We recently had the porch repaired at The Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, and we are shouting for glory, about it. We would also like to thank all those who helped us meet that goal. So a big thanks goes out to our contractor, Brett, and all those loyal sponsors of the Shoe Saves Foundation Ministries. Praise The Lord, God Is Good.  

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer at The Shoes Saves Foundation, as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Our scripture reading for the month of July comes from the book of Romans, Chapter 12, verses 6 through 8, which says: "We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully." Remember to share your own gifts with another by uplifting him or her, in your deeds and actions. Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


  Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (37)

​August 5, 2017

Hello friends and sponsors. What a beautiful summer we've had, thus far this year. We’re not the only ones, who has noticed either, as everywhere we go; people mention how wonderful the weather has been, so far. We love chatting with people about how the community garden has flourished, as well. So far, this summer, it has been a constant flow of; momentum around building repairs, and people inquiring about what’s happening next in community. We are of course gearing up for Octoberfest 2017, and promoting this year’s theme, which is “So Let Your Light Shine”. When we join together as a community, we have such a powerful impact on change. Of course October is quite a few months away, but; now is a good time to start thinking about what you and your own family can do to join in our efforts. Octoberfest is about celebrating the community and being an advocate for all to be safe and aware throughout the month of October and all year long. Octoberfest means doing our best this Octoberfest 2017 to keep our thoughts on what Octoberfest truly stands for. So remember; and don't forget, about Octoberfest 2017: This October 1 through 31 is Octoberfest. Octoberfest focuses on community, and has a specific theme this year of "So Let Your Light Shine". We, the Shoes Saves Foundation staff, management, and sponsors, want to encourage our neighbors and community to remember to look out for the safety of all those around us in the community this October, and all year long. This means, watching out for the kids who walk by in the morning going to the bus stop, or helping an elderly neighbor cross the street. Remember to watch out for all unoccupied houses during the Halloween/Angels Night season as well. When we help each other; the community grows and flourishes. At the end of Octoberfest; we end the month with a celebration of nature’s goodness for the season changes, as fall has begun. Remember our community focus of "So Let Your Light Shine, and together we can make a difference.  

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Our scripture reading for the month of August comes from the book of Matthew chapter 5, verse 16, which says: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Don’t forget the Lord has put us here to glorify him. Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


  Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (38)

​September 5, 2017

Hello loyal sponsors, happy September. With that being said, we here at The Shoes Saves Foundation, hope you had a wonderful Labor Day and Labor Day weekend. We had lots going on in the community over the holiday weekend, including the Polish Day Parade in Hamtramck, Michigan. If you’re a Local Yocal, you know Hamtramck borders Detroit, but for all the non- local folks Hamtramck, also known as Pol Town, and is a local favorite for local Metro Detroiters, and travelers alike. Hamtramck, famous for its wonderful shops which consists of many fresh meat shops and clothing stores, now has taken on a different cultural look. The Hamtramck area has experienced a large Arabic influence and has been, welcoming to various cultures in the Arabic speaking community. Hats off to Hamtramck for its timeless tradition continued in the Hamtramck Parade. Of course Arts, Beats, and Eats in the Royal Oak Michigan area, the Jazz Festival in Downtown Detroit, and The Michigan State Fair in the Novi Michigan area, are an always must attend, as well. So, as usual; a ton of good things going on to kick off the month of September. To keep the good momentum going, the 2017/2018 school season is upon us, and our kids are heading back in for another fabulous school year. That means, sales in all the major shopping venues, and time for parents to exhale during the day. We welcome the new school year & season, and would like to send a special thanks to all the teachers in the Michigan area, and nationwide. God Bless America, God Bless the American Teacher, and God Bless Farmers. God Bless America is obvious, and teachers; an obvoius no brainer, but why farmers? The answer is: kids must eat lunch in school, and that means, we as parents can get dinner done by 6 pm or 7 pm each day, and not at 2 pm, 3 pm or 4 pm; so thank God for those who cultivate food in the USA; whether livestock or vegetation. Hallelujah, thank The Lord in Heaven above. We clearly love farmers at The Shoes Saves Foundation. Next on our list; the month of October is Octoberfest. For more information about Octoberfest 2017, please visit the Community Tab, or the Current Events Tab on this site. Praise The Lord!!

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Our scripture reading for the month of September comes from the book of Luke chapter 4, verse 18 -19, which says: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor." Don’t forget the Lord has helped you, so help someone else today.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


  Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (39)

October 5, 2017

​Happy October, dear friends and sponsors. As October begins, we think about Octoberfest, for which we have been preparing for several months now. As we approach the new month, we remember our loved ones and all those in the community. We remember the true meaning of Octoberfest, which is community, and family. Our theme for this year is "So Let Your Light Shine". Octoberfest embodies that theme. Octoberfest means: Let’s do our best this Octoberfest 2017 to keep our thoughts on what Octoberfest truly stands for. So remember; and don't forget, about Octoberfest 2017: This October 1 through 31 is Octoberfest. Octoberfest focuses on community, and has a specific theme this year of "SO LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE". We, the Shoes Saves Foundation staff, management, and sponsors, want to encourage our neighbors and community to remember to look out for the safety of all those around us in the community this October; and all year long. This means, watching out for the kids who walk by in the morning going to the bus stop, or helping an elderly neighbor cross the street. Remember, to watch out for all unoccupied houses during the Halloween/Angels Night season as well. When we help each other; the community grows and flourishes. At the end of Octoberfest; we end the month with a celebration of nature’s goodness for the season changes, as fall has begun. Remember, our community focus of "SO LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE", and together we can make a difference. Remember October is a fun month, lets keep it safe, and make it an Octoberfest, unlike we’ve never had before.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Our scripture reading for the month of October comes from the book of Ephesians chapter 6, verse 12, which says: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Friends, stay mindful; October is a month of splendor; and also unsettling things, so we must remain vigil in our task this month; by reminding darkness, it may not take hold of our community, city, state, and country.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


  Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (40)

November 5, 2017  

Hello friends and sponsors, it’s a great day in November. Now that we are past the Halloween Season, its time to start thinking about Thanksgiving. We are very proud to present the Thanksgiving dinner menu recipes under the Joi’s Recipes Tab. Our favorite picks for Thanksgiving Dinner includes the following: 1) D - Town, Honey I shrunk The Hen, Cornish Hens, 2) All American - Ultimate Candied Yams, 3) Traveling On - Joy Mountain Ridge Battle Biscuits, 4) Famous Mac and Cheese, 5) Home Style Greens, 6) I'm Gonna Have To Cut You, Corn Beef, 7) Quest To Be The Best Chicken, Rice, and Queso-Vegetables, 8) Mrs. C's Michigan Citrus Mint Tea, 9) Holla If You Hear Me Brownies. All these recipes are available for your own cooking pleasure at www.shoessaves.com, then click on Joi’s Recipes. Here at The Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, we hope these recipe tips, help brighten your Thanksgiving Season. Don’t forget to try some of the other recipes on the Joi’s Recipes tab, as they are all awesome. We are delighted to hear from you with any comments, concerns, or just things you want to chat about. Please feel fee to email us at joihubert@shoessaves.com or click on the contact tab, and follow the instructions; and remember, from us at the Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, have a Wonderful, Safe, and Happy Thanksgiving 2017. Praise The Lord, God Almighty, The Lord Of Hosts.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Our scripture reading for the month of November comes from the book of I Chronicles, chapter 23, verse 28-31, which says: “The duty of the Levite's was to help Aaron’s descendants in the service of the temple of the LORD: to be in charge of the courtyards, the side rooms, the purification of all sacred things and the performance of other duties at the house of God. They were in charge of the bread set out on the table, the special flour for the grain offerings, the thin loaves made without yeast, the baking and the mixing, and all measurements of quantity and size. They were also to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD. They were to do the same in the evening and whenever burnt offerings were presented to the LORD on the Sabbaths, at the New Moon feasts and at the appointed festivals. They were to serve before the LORD regularly in the proper number and in the way prescribed for them.” Remember the feast of Thanksgiving this year, and if it is at all possible; spend Thanksgiving 2017 with those who you love, and with those who love you back. Think of the Levi’s (The Hebrew Priest or Ministers of The Lord of Host) who prepared the feasts for the church or The Lords Temple, and those they loved in their own families and communities.  

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation: 

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter (41)

December 5, 2017  

Hello, hello, friends, and sponsors. Happy, happy, happy, December. I love this month, as most of you know; as we are so full of the Christmas spirit this time of year. Of course Christmas has become somewhat commercialized, but as Christians; we understand the true meaning of Christmas, is about the birth of Christ; and the spreading of the gospel. Don’t forget, to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas; at some point during this holiday season. Remember, the birth of Christ reflects the greatest gift of all; The Lord of Host-God Almighty gave his only begotten son, for the remission of our sins. We would love hear from you this holiday season. Remember you can email us at joihubert@shoessaves.com or shoessaves@gmail.com, or simply select the contact tab above, then follow the instructions for contact; on the contact page. Also, check out our bulletin board on the home page; as it gives a quick note of all that is transpiring each month. Praise The Lord, and Merry Christmas.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can; while also continuing our building renovation project. If you would like to make a donation, please select the donations tab; and follow the instructions on the donations page. Our scripture reading for the month of December comes from the book of John, chapter 3, verse 16-21, which says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.” Don’t forget to love those who love you, this holiday season.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation: 

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.

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Here's What Happened in 2017.