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D Town Christian News

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!!!!!
Here's What Happened In 2021.

Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

January 5, 2021.

Hello friends and sponsors, today is January 5, 2021. That's right, I did say 2021. Let's start the year off right, by saying; Happy New Year, yeah!!! What's on tap for 2021, you ask? The answer to that question is, a healthy mix of old and new. For instance, we are going to announce the new theme of the year in February 2021, which is done annually; so that is of course, an old tradition. However, we have an exciting new event we're working on, which is, The Silver Time Event. What is The Silver Time Event? The Silver Time Event, is basically a cook off competition. How it works is, everyone who wants to participate in The Silver Time Event, chooses a recipe off of The Shoes Saves Foundation website; from the Joi's Recipes Tab, then all the participants get on Skype or some other video chatting site, along with a few judges, and we compete for the best recipe. There are however, a few rules that must be followed, and of course a quick registration form that must be filled out; but the process is really quite simple, and tons of fun. Of course, The Silver Time Event, is on our new list, for this year. We also, have our normal platform, in which; we always follow concerning ministry, and community focus, however, we really have some great things planned for 2021 as well. With that bring said, let's make it a great year, the best yet.  Praise The Lord.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of January, comes from the book of: Numbers, Chapter 10, 
Verses 10,  which says: "Also at your times of rejoicing—your appointed festivals and New Moon feasts—you are to sound the trumpets over your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, and they will be a memorial for you before your God. I am the Lord your God.” 

Remember The Lord in 2021, as The Lord wants to develop a deeper relationship with you, because he wants to establish a memorial for you in his presence,  and he wants you to know; he is thinking of you.  How great a feeling that must be, to know that The Lord of Host, is thinking of you, and that he remembered you; so please remember him as well today. Praise The Lord.

Praise The Lord.  

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

February 5, 2021.

Hello friends and sponsors, it's February 2021, already. As such, I'm pleased to announce our theme for 2021; which is Live fit in mind, body, and soul. Yeah!! This years theme was, hard to decide upon, however, The Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries Staff; and I, came to an agreement on Live fit in mind, body, and soul, at the end of January 2021. With that in mind, let's make sure we all do our absolute best, to try and make our 2021 theme a reality. Now, let's change gears a minute. I'd like to briefly remind all our loyal readers to remember The Silver Time Cook-Off Competition Event, that's happening this spring/summer 2021. What is The Silver Time Cook-Off Competition Event, you ask? Well The Silver Time Cook-Off Competition Event is a group of cooking enthusiasts who get together via Skype and compete for bragging rights on best cooked dishes. Of course, as with all competitions, there is a plaque presented to the winner each year, as well. The recipes, are all preselected, and are available now, for all those who want to compete to view, on www.shoessaves.com website, under the Joi's recipes tab. There is also, a short registration form for all competitors to complete, but that's all there is to it. The registration form will be available for completion by April 2021, so let's get it in gear, for The Silver Time Cook-Off Competition Event. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call at 313-926-6702, or visit us on the web, at www.shoessaves.com. Praise The Lord.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of February, comes from the book of: Ezekiel,  Chapter 46, Verses 19-24,  which says: "Then the man brought me through the entrance at the side of the gate to the sacred rooms facing north, which belonged to the priests, and showed me a place at the western end. He said to me, “This is the place where the priests are to cook the guilt offering and the sin offering and bake the grain offering, to avoid bringing them into the outer court and consecrating the people.”
He then brought me to the outer court and led me around to its four corners, and I saw in each corner another court In the four corners of the outer court were enclosed courts, forty cubits long and thirty cubits wide; each of the courts in the four corners was the same size. Around the inside of each of the four courts was a ledge of stone, with places for fire built all around under the ledge. He said to me, “These are the kitchens where those who minister at the temple are to cook the sacrifices of the people." 
Don't forget The Lord has often times in the past, associated cooking with the removal of sin. Don't miss your own opportunity, to cook in the holy ways of The Lord. Make plans to join our Silver Time Cook-Off Competition Event today. 

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

March 5, 2021.

Hello friends and sponsors, it’s March 2021 already, and we at The Shoes Saves Foundation, could not be happier; because spring is on the way. With that being said, we are so pleased to be gearing up for the Silver Time Cookoff. Of course, we are accepting participants through the month of June. The  registration form, will be available on March 8, 2021. If you’re interested in signing up for the Silver Time Cookoff Event, please see the contact page for the registration form, and the Silver Time Cookoff Event rules and instructions. Yeah, let’s get cooking!!!!!
Now let's change the subject, and talk about everybody's favorite subject in March, March Madness. That's right baby, MARCH MADNESS IS HERE!!!!!  
I love this time of year, as spring is finally in the air, and March Madness is as well. For those of you out there who haven't gotten your brackets ready yet, don't worry; I 've got you covered. Please see the attached website (https://www.ncaa.com/news/basketball-men/article/2021-03-04/2021-bracketology-march-madness-predictions-andy-katz), where you can get a copy of your very own bracket sheet. If, you missed picking up your own bracket sheet, in the newspaper this year, have no fear; all hope is not lost. Yeah, Reverend Joi!!!!!! Happy March Madness 2021. Praise The Lord.  

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of March, comes from the book of: I Timothy, chapter 4, verse 8, which says: "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."
​Of course, all sports offer a form of exercise, which is good, maybe even great, but most importantly; don't forget The Lord.

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

April 5, 2021.

Hello friends and sponsors. It's April already; can you believe it? I personally; am in awe, of how fast this year is progressing. When I think about April, of course; the first thing that comes to mind is Spring. I love the fresh flowers, and pastel colors; that the season brings. With that in mind, let's all make an effort to get out; and do something fresh and new this Spring 2021. My personal goal, is to visit a few new farms this year, or at least a few new farmer's markets. Through, our many business relationships with several people throughout the country, we've been told where to find farms all across the country. I love the fresh produce, which in my opinion, cannot be duplicated in a grocery store. So, I'm very excited to see what's out there, and I'll keep you posted; on my progress, throughout the Spring/Summer season.
Praise The Lord. 

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of April, comes from the book of: Songs of Solomon, chapter 2, verse 12, which says: "Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves in  heard in our land." Don't forget, The Lord does love the fresh 
flowers, when they bloom; so try something new this Spring/Summer season.  Praise The Lord.

​Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 

  Praise The Lord. 

Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

May 5, 2021.

Hello friends and sponsors, today is yet another beautiful day in May of 2021. So let's talk about the burning topic, that's been on everyone's agenda; COVID-19 vaccinations. Have you scheduled, your own COVID-19 vaccination yet? Things, seem to be, full steam ahead in the US, with the vaccine roll out; right now. As critical as, even I am, I must admit, I was impressed, with the vaccination process. Here's what I know, I literally called a phone number, the operator then picked up, and said "yes, you can come right in, and get your COVID-19 vaccine; what day would you like?" Honest to God, it was just that easy. No red tape. While talking to the COVID-19, scheduling specialist, I was also told, "yeah, we'll even, come pick you up." Now that is some excellent, customer service. What should you expect? Simply, just call (313) 230-0505, if you are in the Detroit, Michigan area, or Southeastern Michigan area. The operator, will ask you a few basic questions, then give you an appointment date, and your all set. From that point, you just show up at your scheduled appointment time, get your vaccination, and leave with peace of mind. Don’t forget, they'll even pick you up, and drop you off for your vaccination, then take you back to your destination, when the vaccination process is over. Wait, wait, wait, I'm not done yet, and, here's the kicker; it all free. Can you believe that? Honestly, it doesn't matter, what type of insurance you have, whether it is, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Hap, Omnicare, it's free. So, with that being said; YEAH, GO USA!!!  Praise The Lord.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of May, comes from the book of: Jeremiah, chapter 33, verses 6-9, which says: "Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth. And I will cause the captives of Judah and the captives of Israel to return, and will rebuild those places as at the first. I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed against Me. Then it shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise, and an honor before all nations of the earth, who shall hear all the good that I do to them; they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the prosperity that I provide for it." Remember, The Lord; wants a healing for us all. Get your COVID-19 vaccination, to ensure your own healing; is guaranteed. 

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below, for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 

Praise The Lord. 


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

June 5, 2021.

Hello, hello, hello, friends and sponsors; it's June again, and what a month so far. Let's start with talking about the big event of the month of June, 2021. That's right, The Silver Time Cook-Off Event. For those of you who don't already know, The Silver Time Cook-Off Event, is scheduled for 06/26/21. Don't forget, you must register by 06/14/21; at www.shoessaves.com, under the contact tab. There is no cost for registration, or event participation. It is imperative though, that the guidelines are reviewed, and the registration form is sent back. However, no worries; the guidelines, and rules are an fast 2 or 3 minute read. Finally, all rules; and guidelines, are listed under the contact tab, as well. Praise The Lord, let's get cooking. 

Now, let's change gears a little bit; and talk about, The COVID-19 Vaccine. Have you gotten yours yet? I know some of you may be skeptical, however; I'm a firm believer in medical breakthroughs, and advancements. I can appreciate, some might be waiting to understand the long term effects of the vaccine. None the less; I encourage all who can, to please at least consider, getting vaccinated. Remember, there was once a time when Smallpox, was the leading killer of its day. Today, we know several diseases can; and will be, eradicated. Of course, we know Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1980, however; it is very deadly, when not vaccinated against. The history of Smallpox, is not that different from COVID-19, as many people died from it, and even our country's forefathers, had bouts with the disease. In fact, George Washington himself; had the disease, and recovered from it. Washington also, believed in inoculation, of the Smallpox Virus (Also called Variola) through a vaccine, which introduces small amounts of the virus, via injection; to build up an immunity to the disease. Guess what, it worked, even in the 1700's, it worked. Think about the medical advances we've made since then. If at the technology level of year 1775, if even 1 person survived Smallpox; because of an inoculation vaccine, THEN IT WORKED!!!! Let's all do our part, and consider getting vaccinated from contracting COVID-19. Praise The Lord.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of June, comes from the book of: Ezekiel, chapter 24, verses 3-5, which says: "And utter a parable to the rebellious house, and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God: Put on a pot, set it on, And also pour water into it. Gather pieces of meat in it, Every good piece, The thigh and the shoulder. Fill it with choice cuts; Take the choice of the flock. Also pile fuel bones under it, Make it boil well, And let the cuts simmer in it." Praise The Lord; The Lord said "Put that pot on", so put it on, and LET'S GET COOKING.

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below, for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 

Praise The Lord. 


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

July 5, 2021.

Hello friends and sponsors, it's July already again. Obviously, the month of July, brings us into The 4'th of July holiday season, or as it is known by it's actual name, Independence Day. We here at The Shoes Saves Foundation, love this time of year, as it reminds us about how this country began. Plus, all the barbecue, fireworks, and fun times, isn't all that bad either. In our fact of the month, which is on the home page of The Shoes Saves Foundation website, (www.shoessaves.com), we talk about Independence Day, and the history of the celebratory side of things. Of course, we all know the history, and the story surrounding Independence Day, with our nation's forefathers drafting The Declaration of Independence on July 4'Th, 1776; then sending it to Great Britain to announce our independence. Although, the story is timeless, I find, however; we never really delve deeply into the history of what the vibe was, around that time in history. To take a better look at what our early U.S.A. citizens were up to, during the celebrations regarding our demand for independence from England, read The Fact of The Month dated 06/25/21, on our home page, or just click on the home tab. Remember, no matter what you do, this holiday season, be safe, and have a wonderful 4'Th of July. Don't forget, to read The Fact of The Month, every month, as it's; always an interesting commentary, which comes out on the 25'Th day of every month. Don't worry if you missed, any previous months, Fact of The Month articles, as you can find them,  archived at www.shoessaves.com, under the Thanks tab. With that being said, happy reading. 

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of July, comes from the book of: Genesis, chapter 26, verses 30 -31, which says: "So he made them a feast, and they ate and drank. Then they arose early in the morning and swore an oath with one another; and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace."
So remember this holiday season, to eat, drink, and be merry, but depart your holiday celebrations in peace, when they are over.

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below, for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 

Praise The Lord. 


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

August 5, 2021.

Hello friends and sponsors, and happy August. What's on tap for the rest of the month, is the question of the hour? Of course, with August being one of the last months of the summer, everybody's scrambling to get their last seasonal vacation destinations in. However, with labor day fast approaching, I'm happy we can all get one last party in, before school starts back. Labor Day 2021, is on Monday September 6'Th. Let's remember to be safe, and have a wonderful holiday. On to other news. I'm happy to announce, 5 million people have been vaccinated in the state of Michigan, against COVID-19. The population of the state of Michigan is 9.987 million, as of 2019.  This means, over half the state has been vaccinated.  Let's keep up the good work Michigan. Also, for the record, I myself; The Good Reverend Joi Karla Hubert, has also been vaccinated, as well. Praise The Lord.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of August, comes from the book of: Numbers , chapter 11, verses 8, which says: "The people went about and gathered it, ground it on millstones or beat it in the mortar, cooked it in pans, and made cakes of it; and its taste was like the taste of pastry prepared with oil." Don't forget, to cook it up this holiday; and don't forget the sweets. Praise The Lord.

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below, for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 

Praise The Lord. 


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

September 5, 2021.

Hello friends, and sponsors; it's September again, and that means, we are excited the new school year has begun. Let's check our school supply list, once, then twice. Not to worry, however, as there are several retailers who are geared up to service any last minute shopping needs. In fact, some of these retailers, are national chains, and are running sales, on lots of store wide items. Any retailers, currently having sales, just adds a bonus towards the convenience of, any last minute sale items on your list. Also, don't forget about Octoberfest, as Octoberfest is fast approaching. We know, Octoberfest is a beer drinking festival in Germany, however; here at the Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, Octoberfest is a time to reflect on the community. The Shoes Saves Foundation Management, Staff, and Sponsors, have our own version of Octoberfest, which does focus on community, not on drinking tons of beer. We believe, Octoberfest means doing our best this October 2021 to keep our thoughts on what Octoberfest truly stands for. So remember; and don't forget, about Octoberfest 2021: This October 1 through 31, is Octoberfest. Octoberfest focuses on community, and has a specific theme this year of "Live fit in mind, body, and soul". We, The Shoes Saves Foundation Staff, Management, and Sponsors, want to encourage our neighbors, and community; to remember to look out for the safety of all those around us in the community, this October; and all year long. This means, watching out for the kids who walk by in the morning, going to the bus stop; or helping an elderly neighbor cross the street. Remember, to watch out for all unoccupied houses during the Halloween/Angels Night season as well. When we help each other; the community grows and flourishes. At the end of Octoberfest; we end the month with a celebration of nature’s goodness, for the season changes, as fall has begun. Remember, our community focus of "Live fit in mind, body, and soul", and together we can make a difference. 

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of September, comes from the book of: Proverbs, chapter 9, verses 9, which says: "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning." Don't forget, to encourage our youth to increase in knowledge, and for our boys, and our girls; to increase in learning, as it is God's delight, for them, to increase in appropriate learning.  

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below, for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time, and bring us to our correct; and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous, and just; and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse, and purify all that we eat, and drink; on a daily basis. Lord God, of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, our Messiah. Lord God Elohim, you answer the prayers of those who ask, and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory; where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name, Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.

  Praise The Lord. 

​Joi's Prayer, Written By: Reverend Joi Karla Hubert


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

October 5, 2021.

Hello friends and sponsors, it's October again, and we are ramping up for Octoberfest 2021. Now before you get excited, here at The Shoes Saves Foundation, Octoberfest is not a German Beer Drinking Festival, as we have our own version of Octoberfest.  Here at The Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, we believe; Octoberfest celebrates community. This years community theme is: "Live Fit in Mind, Body, and Soul." With that being said, here are a few more words concerning Octoberfest 2021.  

OCTOBERFEST "2021" IS HERE!!!! Don't forget about Octoberfest 2021, and every year; This October 1 through 31 is Octoberfest. Octoberfest focuses of community, and has a specific theme this year of "Live Fit in Mind, Body, and Soul". We, the Shoes Saves Foundation staff, management, and sponsors, want to encourage our neighbors, and community; to remember to look out for the safety of all those around us in the community this October, and all year long. This means, watching out for the kids who walk by in the morning going to the bus stop, or helping an elderly neighbor cross the street. Remember, to watch out for all unoccupied houses during the Halloween season, as well. When we help each other; the community grows and flourishes. Then we end the month, with a celebration of nature’s goodness for the season changes, as fall has begun. Remember, our community focus of "Live Fit in Mind, Body, and Soul", and together we can make a difference. We would love to hear from you, about how you and your loved ones celebrated Octoberfest. Please contact us at: shoessaves@yahoo.com.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for the month of October, comes from the book of: Matthew  chapter: 22, verses: 1-14, which says: "And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said:  “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son,  and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come.  Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatted cattle are killed, and all things are ready. Come to the wedding.”   But they made light of it and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his business.  And the rest seized his servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them.  But when the king heard about it, he was furious. And he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.  Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy.  Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.’  So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests. “But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment.  So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless.  Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ “For many are called, but few are chosen." Remember, The Lord Jesus Christ, loves a good party/celebration as well, just be careful of the company you keep.

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below, for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time, and bring us to our correct; and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous, and just; and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse, and purify all that we eat, and drink; on a daily basis. Lord God, of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, our Messiah. Lord God Elohim, you answer the prayers of those who ask, and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory; where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name, Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen.

Praise The Lord. 


Shoes Saves Foundation News Letter

November 5, 2021.

See The Tab For Newsletter 88.


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

December 5, 2021.

See The Tab For Newsletter 89.