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D Town Christian News

Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries

May 5, 2022.​

Why are they around us? This month's Newsletter will be looking at things from a different approach, as such; I thought we'd talk about some other things going on in the community.  Things done in secret, things that some don't want exposed. Like spiritual wickedness in high places.  For instance, why are they around us. Why are people using their own spirit-man like a weapon these days? Why are people deliberately moving their own spirit-man around other peoples locations, of which those moving their spirit-man around, in several cases, have never been to said locations physically.  Why are people deliberately sending their own spirit-man around toilets, and lavatory areas, hoping to gain access to innocent people using the lavatory? Why are these people so interested in gaining access, to another person physical property line, building, and physical body?  Here is a list of names, that I myself, The Reverend Joi Karla Hubert, has fought off, in spirit-man; for several years now.  These same people, buy the way; have been physically asked multiple times in conversation, email, and in letter, to stop, and yet they are persistent anyway.  Some of the names I'm going to mention, I have never met, however; they have been asked in writing over and over again, to stop. One last thing, I'm not wrong, I have not made a mistake in who I am naming. As an ordained minister, I have several ministerial tools given to me directly from God Almighty himself, used in verification of any spirit presence on God's Green Earth; as all ordained ministers, have access to.  Finally, even The Pope himself, Papa Francis, has been involved; in removing some of the names I'm going to mention. I have concrete evidence and proof, of what I say; is true.  So without further ado, the names are as following.

Pia Danielle Scott

Latifah (Casey) Jones

Nadeeyah Plato

Quanada Plato

Latisfa Oden

Michelle Butler

Nageeyah Scott

Michelle Obama 

Joe Biden

Kamala Harris 

​Barack Obama 

The Obama Children


Again folks STOPPPPPPPPPPP!!!  I cannot be more clear, DO NOT COME TO ME, OR MY OFFSPRING, WITH YOUR OWN SPIRIT-MAN; YOU WILL NOT BE TAKEN IN, TO OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL BODIES.  As I have said several times already, I'm not a host, I have never hosted, and I'm never going to host for you, or anyone else; NEVER EVER!!  In addition, my body is not open, has never been open, and is never going to be open.   
When a person deliberately uses their own spirit-man as weapon, and breaks into another unwilling person's own body, it cases physical bodily harm.  Bruises, contusions, sprains, strains, and tissue tears can and will occur.  It does not matter what the weapon of choice is, in an assault, only that; one intends bodily harm on another person.  One might choose, a knife, a gun, a book end,  a paper weight, a spirit-man, a hammer, or any variety of different objects as their weapon of choice in an act of Felonious Assault. The legaldictionary.com states this as the legal definition of Felonious Assault:  

If the person who is being assaulted dies, the crime then becomes murder.  If the intention is to cause death, and the person being assaulted, does not die, the crime then becomes attempted murder. Felonious Assault is serious, and usually requires times to heal, or medical attention, for a person who has been assaulted, to get better.  Those mentioned above, have committed several acts of Felonious Assault; and attempted murder, on and against me, Reverend Joi Karla Hubert. This has not  been acts of badgering, and horse-play. Felonious Assault is a crime. Deliberately breaking into another persons body with your own spirit-man, who has made it physically clear, they will not take your spirit-man into their own body, is a crime. I have a constitutional right to disallow people to come to me in spirit-man, without punishment for saying no.  As a women, I also have the right to decide what I shall keep in my own body, through Row VS. Wade. No matter how you feel about abortion from a religious standpoint, a woman has the legal right to decide about her own body. Also, please see some of the attached evidence below,  as video/film footage,  and camera footage does not lie.  Honestly, God is so good to me,  and against people who deliberately use their own spirit-man as weapon, that I found this footage not even looking for it.  Tell me, what is that big circle like object, near the top of my porch, to the right of the yellow salt bag?  It is very possible, to film spirit-man activity!!!!!  Praise The Lord.

      Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves 
      Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t 
      forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many  
      depend on them; as our goal is to help as many as we can,  
      while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you 
      would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or    
      any donation, you may do so, by following the instructions on 
      the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our 
      ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow  
      the instructions. Praise The Lord. Our scripture reading for  
      the month of May, comes from the book of: Ephesians,  
      Chapter 6, Verses 12,  which says: 

" For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces, of evil in the heavenly realms."

By the way, if I Reverend Joi Karla Hubert, even bump my own toe, or if anything bad happens to me in negativity (including all black balling), please look to the names listed above.  Praise The Lord. 
Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 

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