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​D Town Christian News
2019 Newsletter's 

Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

January 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors, it is a wonderful 2019; so lets start off by saying Happy New Year. This 2019 we are geared up to take on new challenges, and to continue to work on our goals that we have set for this year, and also our goals we have set for the next five years. We are also taking time to reflect on our accomplishments we have achieved thus far, and would like to make some additional new years resolutions. Like for example, one of my personal goals, is to work out more, at least 4 to 5 days a week. Here at The Shoes Saves Foundation, we would love to hear from you, on what some of your own new years resolutions are. Please send your thoughts to: shoessaves@gmail.com or to direct them to my attention: joihubert@shoessaves.com. Let's do all we can to make 2019 a healthy, happy, safe, and prosperous year. Remember, to love all those who love you, and be good to one another. Finally, remember; every February we announce our theme for the year, so stay plugged in to our newsletter, as the good stuff has just begun. Remember, with faith we can move mountains, and it is with that momentum, that we will continue to move fast a forward to help as many as we can; throughout this wonderful new year.  
Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of January, comes from the book of Leviticus, chapter: 26, verse: 10, which says: "You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new." Remember, The Lord is able to provide such a great harvest every year, that when the new year arrives; your own abundance, blessings, and wealth, will still be overflowing; from the previous year. Praise The Lord. 

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way 
through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and 
rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who 
heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through 
darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and 
drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I 
believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my 
own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer 
the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. 
Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength 
Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. 
Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory 
where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. 
Amen and Amen.


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

February 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors, it is a beautiful day in February of 2019. Of course, we know that February is the month of love, and by that I mean Valentine’s Day. Every February, we express our love for that special someone, who has captured our heart; or maybe we just spend time reminding our family and friends, that we appreciate them. Since we are on the topic of love, and with that in mind; I’d like to introduce our 2019 theme for the year, which is: LIVE, LOVE, and LEARN. Although, it is so important to find, maintain, and keep love, it is also very important to remember the love God Almighty has for us, to remember to live each day to our own best potential, and to learn as much as we can along the way. We hope the theme for 2019 inspires you to reach for your own higher heights, while striving to be the best you can be. We, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; hope you have a wonderful 2019.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of February comes from the book of I Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 4-7, which says: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” Remember to love appropriately, for all your days, and love will keep you rejoicing in the truth, and no lie will ever be able to penetrate you.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way 
through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and 
rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who 
heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through 
darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and 
drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I 
believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my 
own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer 
the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. 
Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength 
Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. 
Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory 
where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. 
Amen and Amen.


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

March 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors.
It is March, and you know what that means; MARCH MADNESS. March Madness is here again, and we at the Shoes Saves Foundation could not be happier. We love this time of the year; because, we love the true spirit of sportsman ship, competition, and excellence, and for those reasons; we are already filling out our brackets. We have attached a link for a website that will allow you to print the 2019 Bracket, if you require it, at: https://www.ncaa.com/news/basketball-men/ncaa-bracket-2019-printable-march-madness-tournament-bracket-pdf. Along with March Madness, we are excited about the new theme for 2019 as well, which is: LIVE, LOVE, and LEARN. We want all our friends, sponsors, and members; to make good use of the theme for 2019. We encourage you; to Live every moment to the fullest, and Love those who love you, then finally, be willing to Learn good practices from all those around you; who are willing to teach or instruct. With that said, we hope the 2019 theme resonates in greatness for you, throughout the remaining portion of the year.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of March comes from the book of II Timothy, chapter 2, verses 5-7, which says: “Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules. The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.” Remember to follow the rules in competition, which will ultimately; bring you forth as the winner.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way 
through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and 
rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who 
heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through 
darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and 
drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I 
believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my 
own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer 
the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. 
Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength 
Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. 
Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory 
where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. 
Amen and Amen.


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

April 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors, it’s that time of year again; April is in full throttle. We here at the Shoes Saves Foundation, are revving up for spring 2019. With the spring/summer season in fast approach, we are happy to see the flowers blooming, birds chirping, and the bees and butterflies flying. All God’s wonders of the season changes are all around us. Soon we’ll be seeing the first signs of our community garden coming to life, and showing forth new vitality. This should remind us of God’s love for us, which is never fleeting. Every year the Lord shows up for us; he never leaves us or forsakes us, he always comes back when we need him. In his word he says, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you,” Hebrews 13:5. So is God’s kingdom this way, it is reliable, trustworthy, built on a foundation of truth, full of love, and with no intention to dishonor. The Lords way is steadfast, and his way has no reason to lie, because; why lie? The truth shall set you free. I would like for us all to “SPRING” forth, into a new vitality, and why not? We are all God’s creation, lets step forward into our rightful inheritance, and claim our new vitality. My friends, I’m here to tell you, I’m going to get my new vitality. It’s mine for the taking, and I’m reaching out and getting it, right now. DONE!!!! I got mine, reach out and get yours today. Just say these words: “Dear Heavenly Father, God Almighty, Jehovah God, I ask you to grant me my new vitality, SPRING me forth, into a renewal, a renewed peace and prosperity, a renewal in love and understanding, and strength. Help me to be better Dear Lord, and also; those around me. Help us to remember to call upon you, as you are God, our creator, and that which sustains us and this whole planet; for which we love and call home, the earth. Thank you Lord, as this prayer is my reach out for my new vitality, for which is now mine through this prayer. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.” Now that you have said those words, you now have your very own new vitality. Praise The Lord.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of April comes from the book of Colossians, chapter 3, verses 10, which says, “ And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” Remember it is The Lord’s delight to cause a vitality through renewal on, and for his kingdom; which includes all those who love and except his ways.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way 
through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and 
rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who 
heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through 
darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and 
drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I 
believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my 
own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer 
the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. 
Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength 
Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. 
Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory 
where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. 
Amen and Amen.


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

May 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors. Happy Cinco De Mayo. That’s right it’s May again. We at the Shoes Saves Foundation are gearing up for the summer, and we mean in full effect. We have a full line up of activities scheduled for the summer months, we’d like to tell you about. Let’s kick things off with a senior event sponsored by Meridian Care; taking place at the Coleman A. Young Community Center on Wednesday May 29, 2019. The 26’Th Annual National Senior Health and Fitness Day Event, will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event will focus on: Health Education, Health Screenings, Active Living Tips and Demos, Giveaways and More. In addition, drinks and light snacks will be provided. The Coleman A. Young Center is located at 2751 Robert Bradby Dr. Detroit, Michigan, 48207. If you would like more information; please call: 877-902-6784, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. In addition, you can contact The Shoes Saves Foundation at: 734-833-3218, and we’ll be happy to chat more with you, as well. We hope to see you there. We would also like to encourage you to contact us at The Shoes Saves Foundation, if you have any questions about best programs for your youth this summer; whether your youth is interested in sports, or a summer job, we’d like to direct you to a program that would best suit you and your teen’s needs. If you have smaller children, we would like to direct you to summer camps, and other alternatives, such as the PAL League for younger children as well. Our goal at The Shoes Saves Foundation, is to help keep as much youth off the streets this summer as possible, and to help them develop great life skills as well, this summer. We also, will have some volunteer positions available this summer at The Shoes Saves Foundation, which may also be of interest. With that being said, let’s do all that we can; to make this a great summer, for the community, the youth, and ourselves. Praise The Lord!!!!!!!!

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of May comes from the book of Mark, chapter 13, verse 28, which says: “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.” Remember, God wants us all to have a great summer, every summer; and he gives us such wonderful signs, that summer is a approaching every year. We are ever vigilant, for his signs and wonders; as we know with God, all things are possible, that are good and worthwhile.  

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way 
through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and 
rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who 
heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through 
darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and 
drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I 
believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my 
own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer 
the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. 
Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength 
Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. 
Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory 
where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. 
Amen and Amen.


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

June 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors, and happy June. While we are ecstatic about the summer months, we here at The Shoes Saves Foundation; want to remind everyone in the community, to do all that you can; to make this a safe and happy summer. With that said, there are a few youth affiliated work programs that are available this summer; starting with The City of Detroit Summer Youth Employment Program. For more information please call 313-664- 5575, or online at www.gdyt.org, Also, please note: applicants must be between the ages of 14 to 24. If you are a little older, no worries, The Detroit at Work Program is definitely a good place to start, if you are in the greater metropolitan Detroit area. Just visit their website at www.detroitatwork.com or call 313-962-WORK. It is our sincere hope at The Shoes Saves Foundation, that a better Detroit, a better Michigan, and a better nation continues to build by constantly encouraging our fellow citizens to strive for a better tomorrow, for both themselves and their families. Please continue to stand with us in our efforts. Also, don't forget, to get out this summer and get plenty of fresh air, and exercise. Since the weather is now so beautiful, let's get plenty of sunshine this summer. What an excellent time to plan a summer vacation, a family and friends outing, or maybe a fun day; as a thank you to your employees. Whatever you decide, know that, we at The Shoes Saves Foundation, wish you and yours, the best summer ever. Praise the Lord!!!!

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of June comes from the book of Psalms, chapter 103, verses 1-5 which says: “Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewedlike the eagle’s.” Remember, The Lord of Host is always our guiding force, and is great at leading us. He can, and he will; renew us to health, love, happiness, hope, faith, peace, wealth, and youth. Allow him to renew you today, and also all your own days.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way 
through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and 
rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who 
heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through 
darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and 
drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I 
believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my 
own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer 
the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. 
Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength 
Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. 
Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory 
where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

July 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors; its July again, which means fun, fun, fun. Of course, the month of July ushers in The Independence Day Holiday, on the 4'Th of July; but this time of the year, also means so much more. I recently looked at a copy of The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution; as I happen to have one laying around, as some people do. As I started reading The Declaration of Independence, I realized how hardcore The Representatives of The Thirteen Colonies really were. They were sincerely fearless. This is clearly seen in the very first line of The Declaration of Independence, which says: "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." Why is this so important, you ask? The Fourth of July, or Independence Day; is not just about celebrating with friends and family, but more about what our countries founding fathers had, as clear and direct determination. This determination and wisdom, brought us to being an independent nation; and free from tyranny. So this July 4'Th, remember our many liberal freedoms, that come along with being citizens of United States of America. Most of all, please make this holiday season; as blessed, and happy as possible. From all of us at The Shoes Saves Foundation Management and Staff, have a wonderful July 4'Th, 2019.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of July comes from the book of Romans, chapter 8, verse 21 which says: " That the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God." Remember, God Almighty, wants us to be free, to be happy, and to love and worship him. Find anyway, and every way to tap into his promises every day.  

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar.
 Amen and Amen


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

August 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors, and happy, happy, happy August. As August rolls around, we find ourselves, wishing the summer never comes to a close. However, as nice as that sounds, reality has a way of setting in. Unfortunately for us, next month marks the beginning of the new school year. With that being said, here are a few summertime events, that might help you, and your family; and friends, end the summer with a bang. First up, DRP Women’s Empowerment Workshop Summer 2019. The Detroit Recovery Project is known as the DRP, and is holding it’s Women’s Empowerment Workshop starting on Wednesday August 7'TH 2019 from 10 am to 3 pm, and ending on August 27'TH 2019. The address for the workshops is: 1145 West Grand Blvd. Detroit, Michigan 48208. All workshops start at 10 am and end at 3 pm. For more information please call 313-365-3100. Next up, is the Detroit Underground Summer Jamz (Music Festival), being held on Saturday August 10'TH through August 11'TH, 2019. The Summer Jamz will be held at: The Compound located at, 14555 Stansbury Ave. Detroit, Michigan 48227. Also, on August 10'TH, 2019; Mount Calvary Lutheran Church will be holding it’s Third Annual Hope Community Barbecue. The event kicks off, at 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. The day will be full of food and music; and giveaways, while supplies last. The address for Mount Calvary Lutheran Church is: 17100 Chalmers, Detroit, Michigan 48205, at the corner of Seymour. For more information on the Mount Calvary Lutheran’s BBQ, please call the church at 313-527-3366. Next up, is the MLB Original Midwest Super Barber and Beauty Trade Show. The event will be held at the Cobo Convention Center, in Downtown Detroit, Michigan, on August 18, 2019, from 10 am to 8 pm. Ticket costs are from $25.00 to $ 250.00. The address for the Cobo Convention Center is: 1 Washington Blvd. Detroit, Michigan 48226. Now, last; but certainly not least, is my personal favorite, the Michigan State Fair, which will be taking place at 46100 Grand River, Novi, Michigan, 48734. The annual Michigan State Fair; will be held on August 29'TH, through September 2'CD. Fair hours, are from 10 am to 10 pm, except on the last day, where fair hours are from 10 am to 9 pm. Admission for adults is $8.00, and $6.00 for children; however, this does not include the cost of rides or the circus. So; there you have it, friends and sponsors. It is our total hope; that you make all, or some of these events listed through the end of the summer. It will be our sincere delight, to see you there. Let’s make it a fabulous; and exciting, last few weeks, of the 2019 summer season. Finally, remember to be safe this summer; and know that The Lord of Host, puts his love in every direction all around us; so, in fact, that which is our own, that The Lord has for us, no one can take it away. Praise The Lord. 

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of August comes from the book of Psalms, chapter 74, verse 17 which says: " It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter." Remember, to get out and make useful time of the boundaries; that The Lord of Host has made, like summer itself. We are all creatures of his great glory; and great skill, lets make the best of the rest of this summer season, and thank God for it.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar.
Amen and Amen


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

September 5, 2019

​Hello friends and sponsors. The year seems to be flying by; as it is September, already again. Although, this is September 6'Th, we are going to call this our September 5, 2019 newsletter, in lieu of everything being one day behind, as a result of the holiday. With that being said, I hope your Labor Day was happy, safe, peaceful, and pleasant. Many parents and students are jumping for joy, as the new 2019/2020 school year is in full effect. Teachers have been ramping up for the new school year; and would love the support of as many parents, and community residents as possible, for the up coming school season. Let's do all we can, to improve our participation in all community based positive school system initiatives this year. Remember, our children hold the future in their own grasp, and without a doubt; deserve our dedication, while they are developing and growing. Let's all take stand for the future. Also, if you have a question concerning any local school district; please feel free to contact our office at 313-926-6702, and one of our staff people; will be happy to direct you to the local school phone number or school board contact, for that district. Praise The Lord.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of September comes from the book of Luke, chapter 6, verse 40, which says: "The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher." Remember, to help support all good teachers; as they are charged daily, with the development of the youth.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar.
Amen and Amen


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

October 5, 2019

​Hello friends and sponsors, it's that time of year again. That's right, October is here; and in full effect. Of course, October means Octoberfest. For us here at the Shoes Saves Foundation, Octoberfest is not a German beer drinking festival; but a time for the community to reflect on togetherness. However, like the traditional German festival; we are happy to gather at various points during the month of October; to celebrate with family, friends, and various people in the community. With that being said, The Shoes Saves Foundation, is happy to present, Octoberfest 2019.  
Octoberfest 2019

Let’s do our best this Octoberfest 2019 to keep our thoughts on what Octoberfest truly stands for. So remember; and don't forget, about Octoberfest 2019: This October 1 through 31 is Octoberfest. Octoberfest focuses on community, and has a specific theme this year of "LIVE, LOVE, and LEARN". We, the Shoes Saves Foundation staff, management, and sponsors, want to encourage our neighbors and community to remember to look out for the safety of all those around us in the community this October; and all year long. This means, watching out for the kids who walk by in the morning going to the bus stop, or helping an elderly neighbor cross the street. Remember, to watch out for all unoccupied houses during the Halloween/Angels Night season as well. When we help each other; the community grows and flourishes. At the end of Octoberfest; we end the month with a celebration of nature’s goodness for the season changes, as fall has begun. Remember, our community focus of "LIVE, LOVE, and LEARN", and together we can make a difference.  
Shoes Saves Foundation Management and Staff.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of October comes from the book of Exodus, chapter 12, verse 14, which says: “This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord—a lasting ordinance." Remember, to celebrate the festival of The Shoes Saves Foundaton's Octoberfest; as this is one of The Lord of Host, festivals of lasting ordinance. Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar.
Amen and Amen


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

November 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors. Happy, happy, happy, happy, November 2019. As you know, we have just wrapped up the month of October; and of course the Halloween season. With that being said, I have a wonderful praise report; I’m happy to report, The Shoes Saves Foundation Annual Candy Drive Poker Tournament was a success. We raised an enormous amount of candy to pass out to the communities children for Halloween night, or as we like to say; the angels night season. I’d like to give an extra special thanks to The Shoes Saves Foundation Maintenance Staff Manager - Lyndell Foster, for having won the most rounds of Poker, and having graciously donated all his candy winnings to the Halloween night candy distribution; here at The Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries. Also, honorable mention; goes out to The Shoes Saves Foundation Pick Up and Delivery Staff Manager - Wardell Bullock, for his efforts to stop by (non-mandatory) company events, even when his schedule is full. Finally, thanks goes to The Shoes Saves Foundation Children's Church Staff Minister - TT (Tiffany Williams), for putting up with all the noise and racket, that a Poker Tournament tends to bring. I myself, won three rounds of Poker, and was happy to raise the candy poker pot to a larger scale. The Lord God, Almighty is good, as we had so much candy, even after Halloween night, I was able to give much of the leftover candy, to staff, for their children and grand children. If you are interested in joining our Poker Tournament next Halloween season, please feel free to contact us at The Shoes Saves Foundation main telephone number: (313) 926-6702 to reserve your spot, by September 9’Th 2020. Please keep in mind this Tournament is a fund raiser, and all stakes are in the form of candy, un-opened; in it’s original packaging. Lastly. please keep me in prayer, as the Devil, has been extremely busy this last several months, in many forms of attach against me personally, and The Shoes Saves Foundation in general, however; GOD AIN'T DONE WITH ME YET, and I’m learning how to control my anger during times of attack, so forgive The Good Reverend Joi Karla Hubert. Praise The Lord, God Almighty - Jehovah God, I AM THAT I AM, Al Akbar (Aramaic for: God Is The Greatest), an Elohim.

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of November comes from the book of Luke; Chapter 6, verse 38, which says: "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Thanks to all that gave to our candy drive, for the communities children. Know that, God will continue to flow out your own blessings down onto you, as people will remember you in their giving's.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar.
Amen and Amen


Shoes Saves Foundation Newsletter

December 5, 2019

Hello friends and sponsors, and happy December 2019. As you know, December is one of our favorite times of year; here at The Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries, and with that in mind, we are happy to start spreading Christmas Cheer! This year we’d like to start by talking about the true meaning of Christmas, so here we go. 

Once upon a time, there was a virgin named Mary, who was found to be in good spirits by The Lord Of Host, Jehovah God. The Lord sent his Angel to speak to Mary one day; and said to her, “The Lord would like for you to carry a baby in your belly, The Son of God.” Mary then said to The Angel, “Sure; I’ll be happy to, but I only have one concern, I don’t have a husband, how will that be; for me to be with child?” Then The Lord's Angel said, “Do not be concerned Mary, you'll marry Joseph, an I’ll explain everything to him, and things will be cool.” After that The Lord's Holy Spirit put Mary to sleep, then a miracle happened, she was with child. Now from that point, Joseph and Mary were married, and she was soon after; known to be with child. Finally, it was time to give birth, but Joseph and May were traveling; an it was a busy time of year, an all the hotels were booked solid, with no vacancies anywhere. Then to add to the tension of the baby being ready to be born, the only place they could find for Mary to rest and give birth was a barn, owned by a local man who said, "please rest here, both you and your wife." Just like that, the Baby Jesus was born, as The Son of God. Things then began to look up immediately after Jesus was born, as Three Wise Men showed up, bringing Mary and Joseph, gifts including gold, for the Baby Jesus. The Three Wise Men, then warned Joseph and Mary, to avoid the king, as he feared Jesus being born; since Jesus was rumored to be the one who would be The King of The Jews. Jesus, many years later; gave his life for the sins of all men and women, where he died on the cross; and became known as The Messiah. He was then raised from the dead, an ascended to live in Heaven with his father, The Lord; and they lived happily ever after. THE END!!!!!!!!!!!

That my friends, is the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. Praise The Lord. 

Don’t forget to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation; as prayer does truly change things. Also, don’t forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; and our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. Also, if you would like to send in your monthly tithes and offerings, or any donation, you may do so by following the instructions on the donations tab. Our scripture reading for the month of December comes from the book of Luke; Chapter 1, verse 26-33, which says: "In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you. Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end." Remember the true meaning of Christmas this year, and reflect on the goodness of The Christ. Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below for those who love to pray their own way through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us and those who heed their call. You are righteous and just, and a guiding force through darkness. We also ask you to cleanse and purify all that we eat and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens and earth, I believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, and take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay and remain; in Jesus name Ben Elohim Al Akbar.
Amen and Amen

​Extra, Extra, Read All About It!!!!
Here's What Happened In 2019.